Image Outside - Part 5

Scripture Reading - Leviticus 26:1 International Standard Version (ISV)

"You are not to make worthless idols, images, or pillars for yourselves, nor set up for yourselves carved images to bow down to them in the land, because I am the LORD your God.

In our first lesson on “Image” we spoke about God making man with an “imagination”. Thus everyone has an “image” of themselves on the inside that will eventually manifest on the outside. A problem we also mentioned is that their “image” of themselves as a person will typically influence their “image” of you. We also taught a lesson on man trying to project his “image” of himself or herself upon others. This means that the people of greater influence typically have a greater “image” of themselves than they ought. We highlighted that “an inner image from God” affects man in a positive sense by God’s design. Today, we will briefly speak on “Outside Images” that negatively affect mankind and many individuals as a whole. Generally speaking when Satan can’t directly communicate with your heart (inner man) he will highlight certain “outward things” to influence your heart. As believers we are supposed to have God’s Person (His Passion, His Spirit, His Heart and His Love) and God’s Will (His Word, His Thoughts, His Principles, His Ideas) in our heart. Yes, indeed the Lord Jesus Christ should be the Center of our Life! We should be so focused on the Light of Jesus Christ that all “images” of darkness immediately remind us to avoid all evil through focusing on God. Although this sounds spiritually wonderful we (ihlcc) must admit most Christians aren’t there yet. Of course we are growing from glory to glory but the vast majority of Saints still don’t like to spend a lot of time making life adjustments (pruning the works of the flesh) to mature themselves in God. Since no one will mature in Christ Jesus automatically without crucifying their flesh (judging all unrighteousness) by doing the whole counsel of God it is obvious that many will remain young in Christ as opposed to teaching others how to have complete spiritual and physical victory in this earth. How does the average Christian get influenced in a negative way? One answer is, “The “worldly images” constantly presented before them”. Yes, as we stated earlier both Satan and the carnal man have a heart against God so anything they can project out from themselves to others to keep your eyes away from God works to their advantage. Yes, Satan doesn’t really care exactly who you worship just as long as you don’t worship God. We have seen many people worship a person, place or thing based upon what they heard or saw about that person, place or thing from the ouside. Yes, indeed, if one loves the ocean they can take a high-definition picture of that ocean to place over their fireplace and spend hours dreaming about that specific ocean in admiration and awe. No, they don’t need to physically bow down to it all that is needed is spiritual praising of that “image”. You see, our faith friend, an idol always has an “image” and any “image” can become an idol if treated with the respect that solely belongs to God Almighty. Remember in the Old Testament much was mentioned about not creating or worshipping any “graven images” or any “molten images” both these are “outside images”. Generally speaking a “graven image” was something engraved into another material (wood, stone, etc..) whereas a “molten image" was poured in a cast (a mold) such as an idol made of pure gold, silver or brass. Yes, any metal could easily be mass produced when using a mold. Thus, whether graven or molten the principle is still the same, if adored, by man it most definitely is an “outside image” that is become an inner heart idol. Yes, mankind has many things they worship from famous popular people to certain theories about life to certain places on the earth. This is the reason some people have to go to a certain place to express their religion with the “image”, while yet still others carry their “image (idol)” with them wherever they go. Remember, even in the New Testament our precious Lord Jesus had to steer people away from thinking that Jerusalem is the only place to worship God.-Refer to John 4:19-24 This is quite common among mankind that they receive these various “outside images” from the eye gate and/or ear gate. This means these “images” and/or idols are first discovered by something they saw with their eyes and possibly heard with their ears (sometimes from other people or another spirit) to persuade them to follow that ungodly path. Remember anything that is not glorifying God or in line with God’s Way (His Love and His Word) is biblically considered ungodly. Many people don’t even realize that what they are typically seeing on a daily basis on the TV or in the news or on the internet is overwhelming biased toward the negative “images” of Satan and the carnal man, these are all “outside images”. Have you ever noticed that animals generally don’t treat a great statue with any more respect than they would a bare pole out in the field. We (ihlcc) believe God allowed that on purpose to show man that any outside figure (image, idol) is nothing more than the waste coming from the animal who disregards it. Yes, all these “outside images” made of wood, stone and precious metals will quickly be disintegrated on that day when this earth is burned up with fire, “So why should we highly esteem these base things in our heart?” The correct answer is, “We shouldn’t” or for future and current tense “We Shall Not!” So please dear fellow believer guard your heart with all diligence because out of it flow the issues (forces) of life.-Refer to Proverbs 4:23 Thus know with all confidence that only what flows into your heart can likewise flow out of it. So don’t receive into your spirit, soul or body the “outer images” of this world because all those who do are certainly worshipping those same idols (images) in their heart. Since our heart is the awesome throne of God we should only be “imagining” our Heavenly Father, His Holy Son Jesus Christ and His Precious Holy Spirit unto the glory, honor and praise of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. Amen!